Composite Cattle: ABEEF®, ARRAB® or ARGEL®

The Adams Ranch composite program began in 1990 using the genetically uniform Braford herd to develop a new type of beef animal that would provide maximum heterosis with a carcass that would meet both quality and yield standards. It has taken nearly fourteen years to develop and certify the ABEEF®.
- The ABEEF® bulls are ultrasound tested for marbling and ribeye area as well as DNA tested for tenderness and marbling.
- The ABEEF® is ideally suited for a combination of carcass characteristics and red meat.
- The ARRAB® is ideally suited for carcass characteristics and marbling.
- The ARGEL® is ideally suited for muscling and red meat.
The Adams Ranch composites meet all of the requirements of feedlots, producers, and consumers. They offer a simple means of maximizing heterosis and stabilizing phenotype in a simple program without cross-breeding.